Monday, June 15, 2009


I have begun the LONG, monumental task of putting words to paper (technically Word document). Extra pressure is on: technically speaking, I have to bang out 20ish pages for my senior project for one of my majors.

Once I've got a more substantial amount down, I will publish a portion of it or something like that...

Until then, I am babysitting and doing random stuff. I am enjoying being home and with my family and friends. I'm drinking in the sunshine and breezes coming off the water...I'm slowly beginning to turn my thoughts back to school and preparing for the MCAT; yuck!

We've started a Wednesday night Bible study bonfire. The first one was last Wednesday and went rather well. To me, there is nothing more beautiful than watching other people my age worship our Creator. We had some great conversations, and I am excited for this week...Wednesday, June 17th @ 7:30pm @ my house.

I am really grateful to God for providing in every way.

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