Saturday, February 9, 2013

When perfection comes, the imperfect disappears...

OMS-II? Yep, that's me. I'm a second year osteopathic medical student and soon to be third year! In a sense, the time has FLOWN by...although, when I have piles of papers in front of me to study, it can't seem to go quick enough.

It clearly has been a long time since I've blogged. What can I say? Medical school is just not conducive to blogging. In a nutshell, in April 2012, I was elected Student Government Association president at my school. I prayed so much about the decision to run in elections and felt at peace about moving forward. This role has thrown me into the politics of academia and medicine on both the local and national level. It has been interesting for sure. This role has definitely challenged me and allowed me to hone my leadership schools. I very much appreciate the opportunity that I've had to serve my student body and represent them to the administration. Sometimes it makes life a little crazy, but it always works out. I can't believe it has almost been a whole year. In just a few weeks, I'll be finishing my term and I'll spend a month training my replacement!

Other than that, I've been chugging along through my second year of medical school by the grace of God. This is my last real block of med school. The next block (Block VIII) begins April 1st and is our board review block. I'll be taking both the osteopathic and allopathic step 1/level 1 board exams this summer. Pretty exciting, but also a little nerve-wrecking. Since boards are quickly approaching, I've begun a hardcore board study plan with a good friend of mine. Since we're both in school leadership positions, we've found a way to tailor our board study plan around our current classes and leadership/political responsibilities.

In a few months maximum, I'll receive my rotation assignment. As of the end of July, I'll be somewhere in South Carolina or North Carolina doing my third year rotations at a local hospital. I'm really excited to get out of the classroom and into the clinical setting.

God continues to grow in me a passion for medical missions...I've had the opportunity to visit with many of my missionary friends from both Africa and India this year and it has been amazing. It is always such a treat to catch up with them and hear what God is doing in their lives. In November, I had the opportunity to attend the Global Missions Health Conference in Louisville, KY. Man! What a privilege to meet medical missionaries from all over the world. It was amazing to hear their experiences and to be poured into by such godly, annointed individuals. I had the opportunity to attend seminars on everything from financial planning to sex trafficking to surgery.

In the last months, I've become interested in facial reconstruction surgery. God has recently opened up doors for me to explore this new passion and I'm excited to see what I'll learn. Fortunately, the path to facial reconstruction is first a general surgery residency and then a plastics fellowship. I still very much love general surgery and have seen firsthand how practical it can be on the mission field, so we will see where God takes this new passion...

That's what's going on in a nutshell. As I said, God is continuing to grow my passion for medical missions and through that he continues to teach me about himself and stretch me in ways I didn't think were possible...I recently read a passage in 1 Corinthians yesterday that can't seem to leave my mind..."But when perfection comes, the imperfect disappears" (1 Cor. 13:9)...There is something absolutely beautiful about the seven words that verse holds. Such a good reminder of how faithful our God is and such an encouragement that his perfect love is able to cover all our imperfection, sin, mistakes, wrong choices, bad attitudes, etc. Although we continue to be imperfect, God continues to cover us with his perfection. It is so awesome to know that our God is a faithful God who continues to forgive, guide and love despite ourselves. So, although I may be an imperfect medical student on a journey to medical missions, I serve a God who is able to overcome my every fault. Awesome.

Sometimes, it takes all the self control I have to stop from purchasing a ticket to India or Gabon...

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