Monday, May 16, 2011

Miss Christina the Teacher

Short blog tonight...

As you may understand by now, plans in Africa have a way of changing…So, I did not actually go organize stuff at the warehouse with Meladee (currently rescheduled to Friday). At 7am, I got a call from Joanna…turns out one of the surgical resident’s wives (Dinah…pronounced Dina) was in labor and since they have no family in town, Joanna promised to keep them company. At 7:45am, I walked over to the Thelander’s and was greeted by little Miss Sarah. Joanna went over the kids’ homeschool curriculum with me real quick before going down to the hospital. The homeschool day began at 8:15am sharp.

Sarah & Luke ready to attack the school day:

We did Bible, reading, math, geography, science, etc. At the appointed times, we had two short breaks. When school was done we began the enormous Lego construction & made lunch.

Break time:

Later, the kids had lessons with Rachael (another missionary on the station). Since Joanna was gone, I kept an eye on things at the Thelander kids & played with them some more after their lessons with Rachael. I was able to employ my broken French to communicate with various people throughout the day…I may just be improving! Around 5:30pm, I went down to the hospital to see Jacque and Dinah’s new baby: Samuel. The baby is absolutely ADORABLE.

Dinah & Samuel:

Baby Samuel:

My housemates and I had dinner with veteran missionary Carolyn this evening. She has been in Bongolo since 1977 (I think). It was great to hear how Bongolo has changed over all those years and also learn a little more about Gabonese culture.

Going to look over my lessons for the Thelander kids and then it is off to bed. The plan (as it currently stands) is hospital with missionary nurse Lisa in the morning. Then, in the afternoon, I’ll be giving conversational English lessons to Christine Bataneni.

View of the hospital through the jungle:

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