Sunday, May 10, 2009

Bongolo Hospital - Day #3, Movie Night & Church

In a nutshell, this is what has been going on...

Friday (5/8):

On Friday, I was at the hospital with Dr. Thompson on until about noon. We started rounds at 9:30am. I learned that he, Dr. Thelander and the surgery residents see alot of urology and mastectomy cases. There were quite a few cases that involved an infection, so the surgeons went in and opened the area up and set up drains, so the infections could drain. Then those small incisions where the drains were inserted heal up. The amount of poverty continues to amaze me...

But most of all, it is amazing what Dr. Thompson and the others can do with such basic equipment and the wisdom God gives them. Many patients come from other hospitals that could not treat them. I absolutely love being in an atmosphere that is focused on God. Before rounds, Dr. Thompson and the residents pray, before surgeries they pray...Life here truly revolves around God. I feel as though my soul is breathing in fresh air. I am breathing in the Spirit of God. I see him at work in so many ways. Its absolutely amazing; awe-inspiring.

After rounds, Dr. Thomspon and one of the residents did follow up surgery on Thursday's TURP case, since there was a complication. Again, the resident prayed over the patient and surgery before beginning. This serves not only as a witness to patients, but also gives God the glory for what the medical staff is able to do. It reminds us that God is sovereign and his will be done. Dr. Thompson and the surgical resident were able to patch up the guy, so I think he is now good to go.

After surgery, I walked back to the Kelly's for lunch and to help Amanda in the kitchen. We had quite a few dinner guests Friday night, so Amanda, Emma & I did alot of cooking which was lots of fun. The kids and I watched a movie when Amanda & Tim had their French lesson and then we headed back to the kitchen after. Guests (other missionaries and short-termers) came at 6:30ish...We all had a good time and talked until late.

When I went to bed, I discovered the ants, which I blogged about in my last post.

Saturday (5/9):

I helped a missionary who is going home on furlough in the morning. This involved food inventory, dishes and other odds and ends! It rained ALOT in the morning. Working in the attic (with a tin roof), I heard every drop...I sort of like the rain, so it was kind of cool.

I came home around 2ish (I think). We had lunch and then headed off to Lebamba with Lisa to run errands. I bought some more fabric. Yay!

Later, Amanda made DELICIOUS pizza and we had movie night! Lisa made carmel popcorn, which completed the evening.

Sunday (5/10):


Today we woke up early and left the house at 6:30am to go to church in Dousala. The church is close to the Gabon-Congo border. It takes about 2.5-3 hrs. of extremely bumpy roads to get there.

Church was absolutely wonderful! It started around 9:15ish and went until noon. The Gabonese believers are overflowing with joy! I felt privileged to be among a congregation of believers that has such a passion for God...I can't even begin to describe the experience.

"Mama Karen" (Karen is a nurse at Bongolo hospital) spoke on Numbers 20...I was so happy that I understood since she spoke French. From what I understand, they are doing a walk through the Bible, hence the message on Numbers.

We headed home and arrived around 3ish, I think. Part of the Kelly's containers arrived, so we did a bit of unpacking and then had a delicious dinner!

And, here I am...I am still LOVING being in Gabon. I wish I could stay forever!

*Top: Dousala - Lisa teaches Children's Church. The kids had just finished their lesson

*Bottom: Dousala - Church; this is earlier in the service when the pastor hadn't yet dismissed the children.

I updated some past posts with pictures, so be sure to check old posts out.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Christina,
    What a blessing to read how the Lord is revealing Himself to you in new and beautiful ways! Mrs. V

    Psalm 100:1-3
    Make a joyful shout to the LORD, all you lands!
    Serve the LORD with gladness;
    Come before His presence with singing.
    Know that the LORD, He is God;
    It is He who has made us, and not we ourselves;[a]
    We are His people and the sheep of His pasture.
