Monday, November 16, 2009

And the semester winds down...

It has been quite some time since I've posted.

Today I registered for classes for the Spring 2010 semester. This is what I'll be taking:
- Biochemistry (also known as Organic Chemistry on steroids)
- Physics II
- Physics II Lab
- Out of the Wild (don't ask - its an Honors course; I HAVE to take it)
- Independent Research (in the Biology dept.)
- Historical Theology
TOTAL: 16 credits

The semester is slowly winding down, but there is still much to be done before it is done. I cannot wait for Christmas break!!!

Tomorrow, the Biology Dept. is holding mock-interviews, so basically I will be participating in a fake medical school interview. I'm a little nervous, because I don't like answering questions about U.S. Healthcare, etc. but whatever...One way or another I WILL survive.

I HAVE NO EXAMS THIS WEEK! ...This is the first week since the 3rd week of September where I will have no exams. But, I can't slack off. I have to work on some projects, papers and presentations.

Last week I went to my first Fisher Cru meeting. Fisher Cru is a student-run group of Christians that meets every other Wednesday. We watched this awesome Louis Giglio video on "How Great is our God." It really puts life in perspective.

I finally finished the book Crazy Love by Fancis Chan...I thoroughly enjoyed it. What an awesome writer. Francis Chan has an awesome way of phrasing things and it really made me re-think life.

I miss Bongolo more than ever and I truly wish I could spend my WHOLE Christmas vacation in Gabon...I'm hoping to go back in Summer 2011 before medical school. That would be FANTASTIC!

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