Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Running free

Whatever else Jesus came to do, one thing is clear - He came to set you free.
God has been so misrepresented.
He's been cast as the divine legalist, the eternal killjoy.
It's as if God spends His time in eternity designing straight jackets and molding shackles just for you.
No wonder so many people start running for their lives whenever the name of God is mentioned.
God is not a warden; He is a deliverer.
And so earnest is He about your freedom that he was willing to be taken captive and crucified on your behald just so you could run free.

-Erwin R. McManus from the book, Uprising: A Revolution of the Soul

God's love for us is so overwhelming.
If you step back and think about it, it is AMAZING. There aren't any words in the English language that can truly describe his love.
Jesus loves much.
Jesus loved us SO much that he died for us.
Every single one.
From murderers to lawyers, houswives to doctors, homeless to rich, old people to college kids...whatever. He died for us ALL.
There was someone out there (namely, Jesus) who was willing to have nails driven through his feet and hands, a crown of thorns crushed into his skull and so much more just because he loved us.
Think about it? Would you endure all that for someone you "love?" Maybe, but maybe not.
God's love is so big, so perfect, so strong and so pure.
Jesus took our sin upon him, so that through his death and resurrection we might "run free" from sin as McManus wrote.
AHHHH. It BLOWS my mind.